Many of those who have reviewed this app harshly have noted the ads.
But, wait. TV has commercials, too. So do movie theaters these days. This apps commercials are no less intrusive than those.
Truth is, this apps got, like, a bazillion movies for free.
True, most you dont know, but many you will and will be glad to watch.
And among those you dont know are hidden gems. You just need to mine them like the treasures they are.
Heres what I do: I scroll the bazillion movies, and when a title or plot summary intrigues me, I open my YouTube app and watch the trailer. If it passes muster, I pour a glass of wine, plug my iPhone into the charger, sit back and enjoy.
My only beef with this app is it doesnt give you the option to save its movies to a playlist. Once youve separated the wheat from the chaff (and theres a lot of chaff, to be sure), it would be nice to have a convenient way to re-access those movies you wish to watch.
But trust me; if you hate standing in line at the DMV, waiting in the doctors office, standing around in the Lord & Taylor while your wife tries on clothes, or just want to stay up when your lady wants to go to bed, an app that will play "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad" on your iPhone is a blessing. Commercials and all, its a free download blessing from God.
Mikemdp about Watch Free Movies & TV - OVGuide, v5.5